Can Wearing Airpods Cause DIZZINESS & Vertigo?

You are not alone if you have ever felt dizzy or lightheaded after wearing AirPods. A growing number of people say they experience these symptoms after using Apple’s popular wireless earbuds. Dizziness is a feeling of lightheadedness or unsteadiness. On the other hand, vertigo is a type of Dizziness that causes a false sense of movement.

Wearing AirPods can cause Dizziness and vertigo. This is because AirPods are constantly emitting low-level electromagnetic radiation (EMR). This EMR can interfere with the vestibular system, which is responsible for balance and coordination. The result is that you may feel dizzy or off-balance when wearing AirPods.

Additionally, the EMR from AirPods can also trigger migraines in some people. If you experience any of these symptoms, removing your AirPods and taking a break from using them is best.

While the exact cause of dizziness and vertigo is still unknown, there are some theories about why it may happen. For instance, using earbuds can block out environmental sounds, disrupting your sense of balance. Another reason is that the vibrations from the earbuds may stimulate the inner ear and cause Dizziness.

In this article, you will get to know everything you need to know about AirPods in relation to Dizziness and vertigo. Of course, it is not enough to see whether it causes or not, but it is also essential to know everything, including the solutions for the same problem. 

AirPods Vertigo 

We have all had that moment when we suddenly feel lightheaded and unsteady like the world is spinning around us. It’s called vertigo, and it can be an unsettling feeling. But did you know that wearing AirPods could be one of the causes?

According to some experts, using earbuds can lead to a form of vertigo calledBenign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo(BPPV). This type of Dizziness is caused by a change in head position and can be aggravated by activities like lying down or bending over.

If you like to listen to music or podcasts while working out, it’s worth taking a break from your AirPods. And if you start to feel dizzy or unsteady, make sure to sit down or lie down until the symptoms pass.

Can Airpods Cause Vertigo?

There are a few potential mechanisms by which AirPods could theoretically trigger vertigo. One possibility is that the vibrating motors in the earbuds stimulate the vestibular system, the part of the inner ear responsible for balance and spatial awareness.

Another possibility is that wearing AirPods could block out some of the environmental sounds our brains use to help us orient ourselves in space. This could again lead to feelings of disorientation and Dizziness.

However, it’s important to note that there have been no reports of actual vertigo caused by AirPods. So, while it’s possible that they could be a trigger for some people, it doesn’t seem to be a particularly common problem. If you’re concerned about it, try using them for shorter periods at first and see how you feel.

Can AirPods cause Dizziness?

Wearing AirPods can cause Dizziness and vertigo in some people. This is because the earbuds can block out environmental sounds and create an imbalance in the inner ear. Though it is a problem, it is not common for all people since some people don’t feel the same when they use the device, even for long.

If you experience Dizziness or vertigo when wearing AirPods, try removing them and waiting a few minutes before putting them back in. If the symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

Do Noise-Cancelling Headphones Cause Vertigo?

There is no clear evidence that noise-canceling headphones cause vertigo. However, some people have reported to have experienced Dizziness or vertigo when using them. This is likely because noise cancellation can cause a change in the pressure in your ears. 

If you experience vertigo, it may be caused by something as simple as the headphones you’re wearing. That’s right, noise-canceling headphones have been known to cause vertigo in some people.

As mentioned earlier, the condition is called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), and a change in the position of your head causes it. For example, when you wear noise-canceling headphones, the sound waves coming from the outside world are canceled out. But those same waves can also stimulate the fluid in your inner ear, leading to Dizziness and vertigo.

If you think your headphones are causing your vertigo, there are a few things you can do. First, try wearing them for shorter periods. Then, if that doesn’t help, switch to a different type of headphone or earbud. And if all else fails, see your doctor to rule out any other potential causes of your vertigo.

What Happens If You Wear AirPods Every Day?

If you wear your AirPods for extended periods, you may experience Dizziness or vertigo. These symptoms are caused by the inner ear becoming unbalanced and can be exacerbated by sudden movement. There are other side effects that may come with wearing AirPods every day such as getting headaches.

If you experience either of these symptoms, it is best to take a break from using your AirPods and seek medical help if necessary.

Why Do Airpods Make Me Dizzy?

When you wear AirPods, your ear canal is sealed off from the outside world. This can cause a change in pressure in your middle ear, leading to Dizziness. Additionally, the AirPods themselves may be vibrating slightly, which can also contribute to Dizziness.

What Are the Side Effects of Wearing AirPods?

There are a few reported side effects of wearing Airpods, including Dizziness and vertigo. While there is no solid evidence that Airpods cause these issues, some people have found relief after stopping using them.

If you experience any dizziness or vertigo after wearing your Airpods, it’s best to consult with a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

In summary, the side effects that have been reported with the use of AirPods Pro include:

  • Dizziness
  • Vertigo
  • Ear pain
  • Headaches

If you experience any of these side effects, it is recommended that you stop using the AirPods Pro and consult with a healthcare professional.

How to Prevent Dizziness and Vertigo When Wearing Airpods

Airpods are a popular type of earbuds; however, some users have reported feeling dizzy or experiencing vertigo after wearing them. While there is no definitive answer as to whether or not Airpods can cause these symptoms, there are some things that you can do to help prevent them. These include:

  • Making sure that you are wearing your Airpods correctly. They should be inserted snugly into your ear canal and angled to point downwards. If they are not inserted properly, it could cause pressure on the inner ear, leading to Dizziness.
  • Avoiding the use of Airpods for long periods. If you must use them for an extended period, take breaks every 20-30 minutes to rest your ears.
  • Lastly, if you are prone to motion sickness or have had problems with Dizziness in the past, it is best to avoid using Airpods altogether. However, if you use them, monitor yourself closely for any signs of Dizziness or vertigo.


Although no scientific evidence suggests that wearing AirPods can cause Dizziness or vertigo, some people may be more susceptible to these symptoms if they use them for extended periods. Therefore, if you experience any dizziness or vertigo after using AirPods, you should consult a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. In most cases, however, these symptoms are harmless and will resolve independently without treatment.

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